Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 11-Dangerous Foods

Today we went over Ch. 4 of Survival of the Sickest. We learned that all plants produce a toxin as a defense mechanism against predators such as insects, but not toward humans. Although the toxins are not directed toward us, they can still prove to be deadly in some cases, which could include some foods you eat in your everyday meals. For example, tapioca pudding contains a plant called cassava. When cooked and prepared the right way, it can make for a delicious snack, but in its raw form, is found to contain a precursor to deadly cyanide. Another example is a habanero pepper. If you have ever bitten into a raw habanero and felt a fiery sensation on your tongue, you are experiencing the effects of a plants toxin. This toxin can actually prove to be very harmful, by destroying neurons and can even lead to stomach cancer.

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