Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 13-Natural Selection

We discussed our results from the Brine Shrimp Lab in class today. We observed that most groups had the highest number of swimmers in the 2.0 concentration brine. The reason behind this is that Brine shrimp eggs wait for a specific concentration to hatch. In this batch, the eggs wanted to hatch in a higher concentration. Brine Shrimp live in saltwater lakes such as the Great Salt lake in Utah. In this lake, the concentration of salt in the water is constantly fluctuating. Mineral deposits deep in the lake cause the concentration to go up, but freshwater snow runoff causes it to go down. Due to this trend, the Brine shrimp would have to constantly be adapting if they hatched at random times, but by hatching at a specific one, they create the best chance for surviving to live to an older age.

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