Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 14-Populaption Genetics

Today we discussed population genetics and how it relates to evolution. We reviewed that natural selection is based on being fit and able to reproduce. We learned that in genetics, there are two types of traits: dominant and recessive. In a dominant trait, there are two genes which could be an AA or Aa, but in recessive traits, the two genes are always aa. Some terms we learned are Genotype: what the genes are, Phenotype: physical traits, and Gene Frequency: the percent of A's and a's in a population. We learned the gene frequency equation, p+q=1, p being the A's and q being the a's. This equation was developed by Hardy and Weinberg, where they changed the gene frequencies into percents, and then to decimals. The fully written out equation is p2+2pq+q2=1. 

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