Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 10-Evidence for Evolution

1. This image shows evidence for evolution in that Whales didn't originally come from the water, they evolved from land animals into aquatic animals gradually over time. This is a great example of how evolution helps keep species alive, as the Mesonychid knew there was food in the water, but couldn't swim. So over time, evolution gave him the ability to do so.

2. e. North America.

3. A dragonfly, bird and bat are all examples of convergent evolution. This means that they have similar features but came from different common ancestors. They also have analogous structures, which means that the features which they have in common, were also not present at the last common ancestors. For example, the dragonfly and bird both have wings which serve the same purpose, to fly, although, they came from completely different lineages.

4.In the Common Decent lab, one can see ancestry as evidence for evolution through the evolution of birds. Between the Chicken, Duck and Penguin, the Penguin is the oldest. From the penguin, who has only a thin layer of feathers, to the duck who has more, and finally to the chicken who has a thick layer of feathers. We can also see the evolution of not being able to fly to being able to fly.

5. Homology is the similar bone structure in different animals. An example of this is the humorous in a human. A similar structure of this bone can be found in a bird's wing, a horse's leg, a bat's claw or a whale's fin.  

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