Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 12-Brine Shrimp Lab

Today in class we began the Brine Shrimp Lab and discussed natural selection. To learn about this, we separated a bag of shells by different characteristics. We learned that nature uses these characteristics for different things, and we can tell where the shells came from by using them. For example, different colors on the shells are used as camouflage, and the texture of the shell can tell what kind of environment it was in (rocky, sandy, etc.). Later we began the lab. We prepared saltwater brines for with different molarities(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0), and poured them into petri dishes. Then, we put some eggs on a piece of double sided tape and stuck it on a microscope slide. We used microscopes to count how many eggs were on the slide and finally put each slide in the petri dishes.

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