Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 24-Genetics

Today we learned about genetics. We learned how genes are used to express a physical trait, which can either be dominant or recessive. There are two types of cells: a sex cell called a gamete, which is a sperm and an egg, and a somatic, which is a body cell. The two go through totally different processes to get to their chromosome. Gametes go through meiosis, where only 1 set of chromosomes is produced. Somatic go through mitosis, where an exact copy of the cell is produced.

We also learned how to solve genetics problems. Here are the steps:

  1. Write down the info. For example, Dominant=A=trait.
  2. Parenting genotype. Aa x Aa.
  3. Law of segregation. For example, Aa splits up into A and a.
  4. Punnett square. See example on the left.
  5. Fill in the square. Below the empty is one that is filled in.
  6. Create your ratios. For example, on the right, the phenotype ratio is 3 dominant :1recessive. The genotype ratio would be 1AA:2Aa:1aa.

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