Thursday, March 6, 2014

Immune System

My Immune System Quiz:

  1. Non-specific responses are the second line of defenses to fight against invaders, with the first being skin and mucous membranes. These "non-specific" responses do not target a specific type of cell, and respond to pathogen infections. There are many plasma proteins and WCB's involved in this line of defense which include Phagocytes, Macrophage, Complement proteins and others. One which is quite common is inflamation, which causes swelling and/or reddness after a wound. See image below:
  2. The next line of defense after the "non-specific" are the specific responses by B and T cells. T and B cells can recognize and distinguish foreign fron mon-foreign cells. When a foreign cell is detected, the human immune system is able to make specific T and B cells for millions of different invaders. B cells produce antibodies, which help fight off the invaders while there are two types of T cells. Helper T cells produce chemicals for memory cells while Cytotoxic T cells help eliminate infected cells in the body. T cells and B cells both originate from bone marrow, and as they mature, they develop receptors for specific types of antigens. If they encounter their antigen, rapid cell division begins.  
  3. After an attack, the immune system will be able to remember the invader even better then before, thus the saying that after being sick, your immune system will be built up and be better equipped to take on the same invaders.
  4. The key to the immune system being able to distinguish between self and non self is that its antigens have special receptors. The cells may pass by each other all the time but will not attack each other because the cells are "marked" as non-foreign.Antigens carry marker molecules that identify them as foreign.